Executive Committee
The AUBCC Organising Committee recognise the tireless contribution of the AUBCC board and university staff and thank all those involved.
UNSW Business School
Brian Burfitt, Jeff Coulton, Kristy Ryan
QUT Business School
Andrew Paltridge, Ingrid Larkin, Bill Proud, Larry Neale, Natasha Lewis and Genevieve Deaconos
UNSW Business School
Brian Burfitt, Jeff Coulton, Kristy Ryan
QUT Business School
Andrew Paltridge, Ingrid Larkin, Bill Proud, Larry Neale, Natasha Lewis and Genevieve Deaconos
Organising Committee
Tanya Han co-President In her final year of university, Tanya is the Co-President of AUBCC. Her bubbly personality and unique sense of humour always fills the team with positive energy. Whilst studying a Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op), she has represented UNSW at both the Chulalongkorn International Business Case Competition and John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition. If you happen to bump into her, know that food is the way to her heart and ask about her uncanny knack for dog barking. Marshall Li VICE PRESIDENT MARKETING In his penultimate year of university, Marshall is the Vice-President of Marketing in the AUBCC team. You can always count on Marshall to bring a positive outlook and unique sense of humour to the table. He studies a Bachelor of Economics/Science and plans to leverage his experience as marketing director of the UNSW Consulting Club to make AUBCC more memorable than ever. That’s not all he’s good at, though! At only 10 years of age he joined the Chinese Youth National Soccer Team, so don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with him, you’ll have a ball! Jenny Wang vice president operations Entering her third year of Commerce/Law, Jenny is excited to be involved as Vice-President (Operations) of the 5th iteration of AUBCC. Having previously competed internationally in Maastricht and in Florida, she is keen to leverage her energy and skills to ensure the competition is a great experience for all involved. A fun, charismatic go-getter - Jenny can speak 5 languages and is the older of two identical twins. She is looking forward to meeting new friends from around the world, and will be striving to create an incredible experience for all case competitors this year. Anita Wu VICE PRESIDENT SOCIAL Having just recently completed her Bachelor of Commerce, Anita is excited to be the Vice-President of Social in the AUBCC team. In 2017, she was the Vice-President (Activities) of the UNSW Business Society, where she was able to organise events to bring people together. She is hoping to leverage those experiences and the passion for connecting people to AUBCC this year! Anita has represented UNSW at the John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition as a finalist, Thammasat Undergraduate Business Challenge placing third, and won the Copenhagen Business Case Competition earlier this year. In her spare time she is an avid traveller and a massive foodie so don't hesitate to hit her up for the best brunch places in Sydney! Jack Zhou VICE PRESIDENT FINANCE As the most organised person in Sydney, Jack will be championing his role as VP Finance. Despite being an accomplished target shooter (only clay pigeons and the odd team advisor) and a deceptively competitive luger, he also proudly describes himself as a placid person seamlessly blend in to any situation. However, this only makes it easier to befriend this happy-chappy and he is psyched to bring you this competition on time and under budget! |
Mark Lin co-president As a fifth-year Commerce / Law student, Mark is excited to take on his final year as Co-President of AUBCC. No stranger to the case competition game or the field of management consulting, he is keen to be given the opportunity to leave his own mark on the competition. It is easy to strike up a conversation with him about all things finance related, sport and of course - good food. He will do everything in his power to make this year’s AUBCC, a truly memorable one. Quan Zhou VICE PRESIDENT CORPORATE RELATIONS Quan is a bubbly ballet dancer that loves to travel and see the world! With an interest in management consulting and experience at Florida’s HICC, she also would love to crack the impressive Trolltunga hike. With an infectious smile and welcoming personality, make sure you say hi to Quan! Veronica Lin vice president operations As a final year student Veronica is very humbled to be organising the backbone of AUBCC. When she is not busy organising the logistics of the competition, Veronica is travelling - having crossed the Sahara on camel back. Veronica also has all the good qualities of stereotypical Australian culture; an infectious personality, loves a good time, and a diminutive nickname ending in an -o. With a passion for culture, she is excited to meet participants from around the world, and her bubbly brightness will definitely make her a person you will not forget Catherine Hu VICE PRESIDENT AMBASSADORS In her penultimate year of university, Catherine Hu is the VP Ambassadors in the AUBCC team. With a can-do attitude, and a passion for genuinely connecting with the people around her, Cath is your go-to girl if you’re hoping to get something done, while having a great time! Cath studies a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws double degree and currently sits on the UNSW Business School Faculty Board as the Undergraduate Student Representative for 2018. In 2017, Cath led the UNSW Business Society as Co-President, where she was able to deliver even more exciting initiatives to improve student experiences. Henry O'Callaghan VICE PRESIDENT academicS Hailing from the Top End of the Land Down Under, Henry's excited to bring some unique Australian flair to the cases at AUBCC 2018. When he's not off winning ICCs, you'll likely find him on the cricket pitch or debating passionately the merits of supply chain management strategies. Having trained competitors and competed himself, Henry's here to ensure the competition cases are dynamic and challenging! |